Adoption Process

Life Choices provides a state-licensed Christian adoption agency dedicated to placing infants with two-parent Christian families. We use a team approach in uniting families, with the birth family, adoptive family, and social worker making decisions together in the best interest of the baby.
Our minimum requirements for adoptive couples include the following:
• Committed Christians who are active members in the same local, Bible-believing church
• Between the ages of 23 and 49
• Married at least 3 years (if either husband or wife is over 40, length required is 18 months.)
The necessary steps for approval include:
• All couples are required to sign LC’s doctrinal and pro-life statements, indicating their agreement in the belief in Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior and the sanctity of human life. These are included in the initial packet that is on this website. Each couple needs to sign and return the initial documents to begin the adoption process.
• Participation in an orientation meeting where the adoption process and Life Choices policies are discussed.
• Completion of the adoptive parent application
• Participation in a three-fold interview process conducted with two visits in the office and one in the couple’s home
• Upon approval, the couple will be placed in a pool of waiting families. The couple compiles a Family Profile, questionnaire, and birth parent letter that are presented to birth parents in the adoptive family selection process.
Pre-orientation authorization needed. Please contact Bailey Dempsey at (901) 388-1172 before submitting paperwork or payment.