Adoption Testimonials

“As Neil and I began thinking about growing our family of 2, we felt that adoption may be the avenue God was calling us to. As we searched the Scriptures and prayed over the decision, we really began to see how close adoption is to the heart of God our Father. So, we excitedly (and nervously!) began researching the adoption process. Along the way, we were introduced to Life Choices of Memphis. We were immediately encouraged by their commitment to holistic ministry to families and children, and their excitement over the plans God has for each life!

As we drove to the Cradle Care family’s house that night, we could hardly believe what was happening! We walked through the door, and they handed each of us a tiny, beautiful baby boy.As we asked questions and listened to details about their personalities, preferences, size, schedule, we could hardly take our eyes off of one long enough to study the other! Leaving them there that night was one of the hardest things we have had to do. It was such a blessing, though, to have met the sweet Cradle Care family and know that our sons were well loved and taken care of until we could bring them home. The next 4 days were a whirlwind of errands and emotions as we prepared for life with twins!

Tuesday night finally came with a mountain of paper work to sign, and then we headed over once again to the Cradle Care family’s home. We dressed our sons in their going home outfits, fed them bottles, took plenty of pictures, and held our sleepy babies as Judy and the Cradle Care parents shared Scripture and prayed over our new little family. It was such a sweet time of dedication and thanksgiving to the Lord! We buckled the boys in their car seats and were almost out the door when Amanda from Life Choices received a text message from the boys’ birth mom. She was checking in to see how the placement was going and wanted to wish us all well. That message meant the world to us! We were overwhelmed at that moment with just how blessed our sons are to have such a cloud of people around them who love them dearly. We drove home that night with hearts full of thanksgiving and two car seats full of blessings.

Through adoption, God has taken us on a journey we never could have dreamed up for ourselves! He has proven Himself faithful and given us a sweet taste of His Father’s heart in pursuing us.Ezra and Silas have grown into handsome, GOOFY one-year-olds toddling all over the place, but quick to stop and give you a hug and a kiss!They are such a joy and an amazing blessing to all those they meet! We are so grateful for the part Life Choices played in making us a family, and for the ministry they continue to have toward countless others.”

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