Hope Ministry
Post-Abortion Recovery
Are you Troubled by a Past Abortion? We Can Help!
There is H.O.P.E.
If you find that you are troubled by an abortion in your past, the HOPE ministry at Life Choices of Memphis can help. HOPE is designed for women who struggle with abortion in their past.
Do you have feelings such as:
Life Choices offers a non-judgmental, confidential place to help you by offering God’s hope and healing to your life. Please know you are not alone. We have Hope leaders who have found peace and healing for their pain and want to share Christ’s comfort with others by offering one-on-one confidential counseling and/or 10-week Recovery study. Many women have found help, hope and healing through this study. We also offer a Hope support group that meets quarterly.
In addition, we also give local support and opportunity for the use of a confidential on-line recovery program that was developed by Ramah International. This on-line site is found at http://herchoicetoheal.com. See the “How It Works” tab.
God desires to heal all His children from their past and to set them on a course toward the abundant life He has planned for them. There is HOPE, there is HEALING, there is FREEDOM. We want to protect your confidentiality as you seek God’s healing. If you are looking for healing and freedom from a past abortion or abortions, please call/text Cathy at 901-277-5808. Or email at [email protected]
“In going through the Hope study I allowed myself to receive Christ’s forgiveness and forgive myself.” – Cathy
“I went through the Hope Bible study over 20 years after I had an abortion. For 20 years I carried shame and guilt that I did not have to.” Jenny