Community Security returns 15% of your monthly security monitoring fee to the charity of your choice…and speaking of ‘choice’, what could be better than choosing Life Choices of Memphis? Help us educate and empower women to make life-affirming decisions when facing an unexpected pregnancy.

Visit Community Security and see how your family’s security can help our financial security!

If you would like to give a gift in memory of or in honor of someone special, we will mail a card to the bereaved person or the person being honored. What a thoughtful way to show your care and concern for those you love. Please complete the Memorial/Honorarium Form and mail with your gift so that we can send the proper acknowledgements.

Life Choices is not a United Way agency, but you can still give to us if your employer is a participant in the annual United Way Campaign. United Way has asked that numbers not be used on the forms; just indicate that you wish your gift to go to Life Choices of Memphis.

You can honor those special people in your life on any special occasion with a gift to Life Choices in their name. We will send a Card informing them of your gift in their honor. Please send the receipient’s name and address to the attention of Cathy Schroeder, CFO.

Impact our future through gift planning

With gift planning, you can provide long-lasting support for our organization while enjoying financial benefits for yourself {START HERE}