What others are saying

“Coming to Life Choices had a huge impact on the decision I made. For that reason, I’m very thankful to them and so happy!”

“Life Choices was there for me. They have never turned me away or treated me less like a person because of my choices. The staff of Life Choices are some of the best human beings I have ever met. It is my dream that this type of assistance could be available to everyone in every state. Honest assistance in a beautiful, relaxing, and stress-free environment without judgment–you couldn’t pray for better.”

“The services that Life Choices provided were very helpful.”

“I took a pregnancy test. Positive. Extremely disappointed in myself for allowing this to happen, my first reaction was to have an abortion. I was too ashamed to tell anyone that I had made another bad choice and the consequences this time were more than I wanted to deal with. I did not want to think about it, talk about it; I wanted it to go away. My fist visit to Life Choices was a turning point. The day I went, I met some awesome people! It was important for me to know all aspects of the choices I had.”

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